Y'zareen Serhan

Void Huntress, Sin Eater, Healer

The Basics –––
Name: Y'zareen Serhan
Age: 28
Race: Sun Seeker Miqo'te in appearance
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Open/Polyromantic
Note: Zareen frequently takes her friends as bed-partners but is not currently in a serious relationship. She is absolutely open to casual lovers, friends, or both!
Family: Twin infant girls Y'sarang and Y'ravi, a large group of found family adopted into a makeshift "tribe" that she simply calls "The Family". All members of her branch of the Jaguar tribe are deceased.
Affiliations: Leader of a hunting group collectively called "The Pack". Bounty-hunter/killer-for-hire of man, mech, and beast in all city states. Registered adventurer with the Adventurer's Guild. Takes contracts from all city states (except Garlemald). Legal and illegal pit-fighter/gladiator that fights under the name "The Jaguar"- averages more wins than losses.

Physical Appearance –––
Hair: Black dipped in purple, typically braided or twisted into protective styles. When loose, her hair is a riot of curls and waves that falls to her rear.
Height: 5'7"
Build: Hourglass, muscular, long legs.
Distinguishing Marks/Notes:
A jewel on her forehead, black tattoos around eyes, blue tattoos on collarbones, black tattoos from hairline to the small of her back, colorful tattoos on sides from just above her hip to mid-thigh. Deep but thin scars on outside forearms, deep, irregularly-shaped scar/divot above left hip, minor jagged scar on left collarbone, minor scars across her right cheek and left jaw. Her ears are large and rounded in shape, like those of a clouded leopard. Her tail is abnormally long for a miqo'te and her fur pattern is purple with dark rosettes, again modeled after a clouded leopard. Large, sharp, black claws (non-retractable) tip fingers and toes and her canines are elongated, with the tooth just behind each also showing a distinct sharpness.
Common Attire: Prefers light fabrics when being social, tends to show a lot of skin. Loves silks, satins, and linen. In combat, her armor is leather with multiple points of sharpened or reinforced metal to give her strikes more power. Always, always, always armed, typically at least 3 hidden weapons, not including her claws.
Y'zareen always wears a lot of gold jewelry- multiple sets of earrings, elaborate filigree or open-work torque-style necklaces set with gems, multiple chiming bracelets, anklets, hair ornaments, and tail ornaments- much of it studded with precious stones, feathers, shells, ribbons, or other eye-catching decorations.

Languages: Fluent in native tongue from her home island, fluent in Huntspeak, mostly fluent in Eorzean, conversational in Doman, conversational in Sun Speak (dialect of the Ala Ghanna Coeurl tribe), semi-conversational in Xaelic
Zareen's Eorzean carries a strong, lyrical accent to it courtesy of her mother tongue- based on an IRL Trinidadian and an IRL Farsi accent. Her Doman is oddly formal and almost antiquated, and she cannot read nor write it.
Shirogane, where she lives with her family- her two adopted brothers, their children, her own children, and whomever else amongst The Family that happens to be around.
Important Details
Zareen would appear to those with aetheric vision or senses to be more than she appears- she sure as hell isn't just miqo'te. Her aether is also void-tainted, appearing as thick black veins through the other colors. She is elementally aspected towards Fire, Levin, and Shadow (NOT Void, just Shadow).
She is a fully-trained healer, mid-wife, and priestess that serves the twin goddesses of her homeland and is extremely skilled with ritual magic.
Zareen typically fights in the same fashion as a Red Mage, only she uses a spear as her weapon. She has a few specialized spells and abilities as a result of her bloodline, her nature, and training.

Birthplace: Manzel, an isolated island "technically" located in the Cieldaeles Archipelago, about a month's sea-voyage south from Limsa Lominsa. Primarily a tropical rainforest, with a very large volcano to the east and high grassy and fertile cliffs to the west. Black sand beaches and a large, reef-protected natural bay. The island had extremely little contact with the outside world and was populated by 3 tribes of miqo'te: the Jaguar, the Puk, and the Raptor. They were the only Spoken allowed on the island- all others such as washed up sailors, enterprising traders, or attempted invaders were killed or repelled with extreme prejudice. This practice was maintained until roughly 7 years ago, when a single Maelstrom ship was hailed and allowed to briefly land on the island.
The Story So Far
((Under construction))
"The Family"
"The Pack"
Current Events:

RP Hooks
- The Void: Are you struggling with a pesky Voidsent? Are you, yourself, tainted with the Void? Do you, perhaps, also hunt the Void? Zareen is a void huntress born-and-bred and she herself is void tainted as a result of a lifetime of hunting. She has a sense for these kind of things, though if you're Voidsent be prepared for an adversarial relationship!
- "Sin Eater": Zareen carries a sacred charge as a 'sin eater'- one who devours "sins" (negative Dynamis) to allow people to be forgiven for past deeds and allows the dying to pass into the Lifestream (which she calls the River) as cleansed. She also has acted as judge, jury, and executioner for the truly wicked.
- Aetherial Anomaly: Will require long-term RP to learn why, but Zareen would register on aetherial devices or to aetheric senses as an anomaly.
- Shamanic Healer: Utilizing unconventional methods as well as the more common aetherial and conventional physical doctoring skills, Zareen is a very skilled healer though not a Doctor.
- Huntress for Hire: Zareen is very well known in Ul'dah, Limsa, the Twelveswood, Gyr Abania, Doma, and Koshu as a skilled and reliable huntress/bounty-hunter. Her Pack, while no longer a formal organization, still assists with extremely dangerous situations.
- Underground Pit-Fighter: Zareen participates extensively in underground fighting rings in Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, and Kugane, fighting under the pseudonym "The Jaguar". She is mostly successful and known widely for her speed and brutality, as well as for her distinctive spear-style.

OOC Information- Pronouns: She/Her
- I am in my mid-thirties and married.
- I play on the Mateus server in the Crystal data center
- I am in the Eastern US timezone and my playtimes in game are usually 6pm-10pm on weekdays and most of the day on weekends. I do best with pre-planning scenes though I am always open to walk-up RP!
- I am also available on Discord, please DM me on Twitter or message me in game for that information.
- Twitter is HERE (NSFW!)
- Tumblr is HERE (Also NSFW, but tagged or with CW when appropriate)